LibreOffice Writer Questions with Answers

LibreOffice Writer Questions with Answers

LibreOffice Writer Questions with Answers In this blog you will learn about important questions of LibreOffice Writer Questions with Answers so must read the complete blog ans also share to everyone so that everyone got benefits – Q. 1. What is the normal margin in LibreOffice writer document? a) .5 b) 0 c) 1.5 d) … Read more

LibreOffice Questions with Answers

LibreOffice Questions In this article you will most important LibreOffice Questions- Q. 1. Which of the following file extension is not associated with Open Office Writer? a) .txt b) .doc c) .sxw d) .csv Ans: d) Q. 2. What is word processing in Libreoffice?  a) Draw b) Impress c) Calc d) Writer Ans: d) Q. … Read more