OLevel M2R5 Practical Questions

OLevel M2R5 Practical Questions 

Hello Student welcome in careersknowlege.in.In this blog you will learn 3 OLevel M2R5 Practical Questions in details.

Question 1- Write a HTML code to divide browser window into two horizontal frames and play different video in each frame.

main.html Coding

<frameset rows=”*,*”>
<frame src=”TopSection.html”>
<frame src=”Bottom.html”>

TopSection.html Coding

<body bgcolor=”pink”>
<video src=”pract5.mp4″ width=”400″ height=”200″ preload controls loop> </video>

Bottom.html coding

<body bgcolor=”Gray”>
<h1>Video2 </h1>
<video src=”pract4.mp4″ width=”400″ height=”200″ preload controls loop> </video>
</html>                                                                                                     OUTPUT SCREEN

Question 2- Using JavaScript create an html page for accepting the values of two numeric variables sa N1 and N2 and to display the result of following arithmetic calculator.
1. N1+N2=
2. N1-N2=
3. N1*N2=
4. N1/N2=


calculator.html Coding

var N1,N2,res,temp;
function fun()
if(N1 && N2)
document.getElementById(“divide”).value = res;
<p id=”input”>Enter First Number(N1):
<input id=”one”>
Enter Second Number(N2): <input id=”two”></p>
<p><button onclick=”fun()”>Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide</button></p>
<h1>Arithmetic Calculator</h1>
<table cellspacing=”20″>
N1+N2=<input id=”add”></td><td>3.</td><td>N1*N2=
<input id=”multiply”></td></tr>
N1-N2=<input id=”subtract”></td><td>4.</td><td>
N1/N2=<input id=”divide”></td></tr>
</html>                                                                                                         OUTPUT SCREEN

OLevel M2R5 Practical Questions

Questions 3- Create a web page, divide the web page into four frame. In one frame create three links.



<title>HTML Frames</title>
<frameset rows=”30%, 40%, 30%”>
<frame name=”top” src=”Frame1.html”>

<frameset cols=”50%, 50%”>
<frame name=”left” src=”Frame2.html”>
<frame name=”Right” src=”Frame3.html”>

<frame name=”bottom” src=”Frame4.html”>
<body> Your browser does not support frame </body>

Frame1.html Coding

<body bgcolor=”orange”>
<h1 align=”center”>Frame 1</h1>

Frame2.html Coding

<body bgcolor=”gray”>
<h1 align=”center”>Frame2</h1>
<a href=”ALEVEL.html”>A LEVEL</a><br>
<a href=”OLEVEL.html”>0 LEVEL</a><br>
<a href=”CCC.html”>ccc</a>

Frame3.html Coding

<body bgcolor=”gray”>
<h1 align=”center”>Frame 3</h1>

Frame4.html Coding

<body bgcolor=”yellow”>
<h1 align=”center”>Frame 4</h1>


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OLevel It Tools Practical Question

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