Python user defined functions with examples(2024)

Python User Defined Function

A function is a sub program that acts on data and may or may not return a value. When same code is required to execute number of times, we can write a function for it and then call this function as many times as needed. Here you will learn Python user defined functions with examples-

Using user defined function is a two steps process-

1) Defining a Function

2)Invoking a Function or calling a function

1) Defining a Function

To defining a function we use def keyword to define a function.


 def function name(<argument>):

                                <body of function>

2)Invoking a Function or calling a function

Once the function is defined we can call this function by the following statement. In this article we will see in details





Example- Write a program to find area of circle using user defined function .

How to define a function in Python

def tarea(b,h):                            #defining a function
         print(“Area of triangle=”,area)
b1=int(input(“enter base”))
h1=int(input(“enter base”))
tarea(b1,h1)    #function calling or invoking


enter base 4
enter base 5
Area of triangle= 10.0

Python library function examples

types of user-defined functions in python

There are the following list of user defined functions in python

1) Python function with argument and return value

2) Python function with argument and without return value

3) Python function without argument and without  return value

4) Python function without argument and return value

1) Python function with argument and return value

This types of function takes values from the calling program and return value to the calling program.


def sum(a,b):
        return c
a1=int(input(“enter the value of a”))
b1=int(input(“enter the value of b”))
print(“Sum of a and b=”,sum(a1,b1))

enter the value of a 5
enter the value of b 4
Sum of a and b= 9

2) Python function with argument and without return value

This types of function takes values from the calling program and does not return value to the calling program.


def sum(a,b):
       print(“Sum of a and b=”,c)
a1=int(input(“enter the value of a”))
b1=int(input(“enter the value of b”))


enter the value of a 5
enter the value of b 6
Sum of a and b= 11

3) Python function without argument and without  return value

This types of function does not takes values from the calling program and also does not return value to the calling program.


def sum():
       a=int(input(“enter the value of a”))
      b=int(input(“enter the value of b”))
       print(“Sum of a and b=”,c)

enter the value of a 9
enter the value of b 3
Sum of a and b= 1

4) Python function without argument and return value

This types of function does not takes values from the calling program but return value to the calling program.


def sum():
       a=int(input(“enter the value of a”))
      b=int(input(“enter the value of b”))
      return c
print(“Sum of a and b=”,sum())

enter the value of a 65
enter the value of b 43
Sum of a and b= 108

Python Named Arguments function

To have full control and flexibility over the order of values sent to the arguments Python provided another type of arguments called Keyword or Named arguments. In other words Keyword argument offer a way of writing function calls where we can write any value in any order provided we name the argument. Since in function call we write values along with argument name, we can write values in order. For example following are the valid of calling statements of function sum()

sum(y=8, x=6, z=2)

In the above written function call value 6 is going to x, value 8 is going to y and z will take value 2. This transfer values is irrespective of order of argument in function header.

sum(z=3, y=4, x=9)

In the above written function call value 9 is going to x, value 4 is going to y and z will take value 3. This transfer values is irrespective of order of argument in function header.

Python named arguments function examples

def test(a, b, c):


                return p


r=test(a=5, b=9, c=7)

print(“Result: “, r)

r=test(c=4, a=11, b=9)


Python Default Arguments Functions

arguments which have some value in function header called Default arguments. While fnction call we can skip the value of default argument. For example-

def sum(x, y, z=4)

the above example of function header argument ‘z’ is having a value 4 assigned to it, so,argument ‘z’ is default argument. Now, while calling this function we can give values for only argument x and y; z will take 4 as its value.

We can even give values for all the three arguments also. In that case argument ‘z’ will take value provided by the user and ignore its default value. So we can say that in while calling function with default argument, the calling statement can have number of values less than or equals to the number of arguments in the function header. But, order of values has to be the same. For emple following are the valid example of calling statements of function sum()


In the above calling statement function argument x will take value 5, y will take value 9 and value 7 will be stored in z (‘z’ will ignore its default value 4).

sum(8, 2)

In the above calling statement function argument x will take value 8, y will take value 9 and z will

have its default value (4) as we have not exclusively provided value for z in calling statement.

Any argument, in a function header, cannot have default value unless all arguments on its right side have their default values. In other words only those arguments can have default values which are present in the right side of argument list. For example following is the list of some valid and invalid function header with default argument~

Valid Examples

sum(x, y, z=4)

sum(x,y=5, z=4)

sum(x=8, y=5, 2=4)

sum(x=3, y, z) sum(x,y=5, z) sum(x=8, y=5, z)

Invalid Examples

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Write a program using user defined function with default argument. Calculate and print percentage of three subject marks. Use 300 as default value for maximum marks.

def percent(a, b, c, mm=300):



                return p




python recursion functions

A Function calls it self again and again then it is called Recursion.

Example- python recursion factorial program 

def factorial(x):
          if x==1:
                 return 1
                 return x*factorial(x-1)
#main program
num=int(input(“Enter a number:”))
print(“Factorial of number = “,fact)


Enter a number:5
Factorial of number = 120

Thanks for reading the article Python user defined functions.

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