LibreOffice Impress Questions with Answers

LibreOffice Impress Questions with Answers

In this blog you will learn about LibreOffice Impress Questions with Answers. So must read the complete blog.

Q. 1. Which shortcut key is used for Text Box in LibreOffice Impress?
a) F2
b) F3
c) F4
d) F5

Ans: a)

Q. 2. What name can Powerpoint recognize in LibreOffice?
a) Draw
b) Writer
c) Impress
d) Calc

Ans: c)

Q. 3. Which alignment is not there in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Central Alignment
b) Left Alignment
c) Right Alignment
d) Justification

Ans: d)

Q. 4. What are the shortcut keys used to close any slide in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Ctrl + N
b) Ctrl + M
c) Ctrl + W
d) Ctrl + P

Ans: c)

Q. 5. In which menu Macros command is found in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Insert
b) slide
c) Tools
d) None

Ans: c)

Q. 6. Which shortcut key is used to Past Unformatted Text in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Ctrl + Shift + v
b) Ctrl + Alt + Shift + v
c) Ctrl + Alt + v
d) None

Ans: b)

Q. 7. What kind of program is LibreOffice Impress?
a) Spreadsheet
b) Word Processing
c) Presentation
d) None of these

Ans: c)

Q. 8. What is the Minimum Zoom Size in LibreOffice Impress?
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 3000%
d) 20%

Ans: a)

Q. 9. What is the maximum zoom size that can be done in LibreOffice Impress?
a) 300%
b) 400%
c) 500%
d) 3000%

Ans: d)

Q. 10. What is the name of Presentation By Default made in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Shw1
b) Slide1
c) Presentation1
d) Untitled1

Ans: d)

Top 100 LibreOffice Questions with Answers

Q. 11. In which menu is the Master Slide Function in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Slide Show
b) Slide
c) Tools
d) None

Ans: b)

Q. 12. What is the shortcut key to add a copy slide to the presentation in LibreOffice Impress?
a) Ctrl + X
b) Ctrl + N
c) Ctrl + M
d) None

Ans: d)

Q. 13. Which file format is not added in LibreOffice Impress?
c) GIF
d) WA VI (WAV)

Ans: b) 

Q. 14. How many menus are found in LibreOffice Impress? 
a) 8
b) 10
c) 12
d) 14

Ans: b)

Q. 15. What is the minimum zoom size in LibreOffice Impress?
a) 5%
b) 15%
c) 10%
d) 20%

Ans: a)

Q. 16. In LibreOffice Impress any presentation can be exported in which of the following formats?
a) PDF
b) BMP
c) GIF
d) All

Ans: d)

Q. 17. The file extension of Libreoffice Impress is  _______  ?
a) .ppt /.pptx
b) .odt
c) .odp
d) .ods

Ans: c)

Q. 18. Presentation Graphic Software in LibreOffice is known by what name?
a) Calc
b) Writer
c) Impress
d) Math

Years: c)
Q. 19. From which menu is the slide sorter used in LibreOffice Impress?
a) View
b) Insert
c) Slide show
d) Format

Ans: a)

Q. 20. Which extension is associated with the file saved in LibreOffice Impress?
a) .ist
b) .wrt
c) .ods
d) .odp

Ans: d) 

Q. 21. Which view is not found in LibreOffice Impress? 
a) Normal
b) Outline
c) Nots
d) None 

Ans: d) 

Q. 22. Can Libreoffice Impress create a photo album from a set of images, usually with one photo per slide? 
a) True
 b) False 

Ans: a) 

Q. 23. Only one Master Slice is found in a presentation in LibreOffice Impress? 
a) True
b) False

 Ans: b) 

Q. 24. The presentation program included in Libreoffice Impress is? 
a) True
b) False

Ans: a) 

Q. 25. In Libreoffice Impress if you add a graphic to a Master Slide it will appear on each slide of your presentation? 
a) True
b) False

Ans: a)

Q. 26. Custom Page Styles cannot be created in LibreOffice Impress?
a) True
b) False

Ans: b)

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