OLevel It Tools Practical Question

OLevel It Tools Practical Question

Hello Students, In this blog you will learn about OLevel It Tools Practical QuestionWith Steps by steps.

Question 1: Create a Database in Calc Spread Sheet. Calculate the Total, Average and print the table as per format below:

S. No. Year Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Average
1   243 234 123 354  
2   532 367 893 265  
3   432 256 782 165  
4   432 545 645 642  
5   234 765 934 278  


Step 1- Open Libreoffice calc and Enter the data as shown in the question

  A B C D E F G
1 S. No. Year Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Average
2 1   243 234 123 354  =average(C2:F2)
3 2   532 367 893 265  
4 3   432 256 782 165  
5 4   432 545 645 642  
6 5   234 765 934 278  
7   Total          

Step 2- After entring the data type the formula =average(C2:F2) into G2 cell and <Press Enter>. And Select G2 cell and drag so you will all the values. See the table given below

  A B C D E F G
1 S. No. Year Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Average
2 1   243 234 123 354  238.5
3 2   532 367 893 265  514.25
4 3   432 256 782 165  408.75
5 4   432 545 645 642  566
6 5   234 765 934 278  552.75
7   Total  =sum(C2:C6)        

Step 3- Same as the above type total formula=sum(C2:C6) into cell C7 and press enter.And select C7 than drag right side so you will get total of subject1, subject2, subject3 and subject 4.See the table given below

  A B C D E F G
1 S. No. Year Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Average
2 1   243 234 123 354  238.5
3 2   532 367 893 265  514.25
4 3   432 256 782 165  408.75
5 4   432 545 645 642  566
6 5   234 765 934 278  552.75
7   Total  1873  2167  3377  1704  

Step 4- To print the above table Go To File>Select print> then print dialog box will appear on the screen.

Question 2. Create a table in LibreOffice Writer as shown below

Roll No. Name Marks In Physics Marks in Chemistry Total Marks
1 Arohi 76 78  
2 Ananya 78 56  
3 Sumit 89 78  
4 Amit 56 56  
5 Vivan 78 89  
6 Naina 98 67  

Do the Following

  1. In the total marks column, entries should be calculated using formulas and it is the sum of marks in physics and marks in chemistry.

  2. Insert a row at the end of the table ans also find grand total using formula.

  3. Sort the table based on the total marks


Step 1- Firstly open LibreOffice Writer application

Step 2- To create table do the following steps——- GO to Tbale Menu—–>Select Insert table then insert table dialog box will appear on your computer screen.In this box write number of column is 5 and row is 7 & click on insert button .

Step 3- Table will appear on the screen. Enter the column headings that are gien on question like- Roll number,Name,Marks etc.

Step 4- Solution (a)-

To make formula entry in Total Marks column, click on Total marks column and Go to Table menu—>select edit formula or press F2. Then type the folllowing formula=sum(<c2:d2>) and click on apply button

Roll No. Name Marks In Physics Marks in Chemistry Total Marks
1 Arohi 76 78  =sum(<c2:D2>)
2 Ananya 78 56  
3 Sumit 89 78  
4 Amit 56 56  
5 Vivan 78 89  
6 Naina 98 67  

Same as you can type formula in other remaining rows and display the output.

Roll No. Name Marks In Physics Marks in Chemistry Total Marks
1 Arohi 76 78 154
2 Ananya 78 56 134
3 Sumit 89 78 167
4 Amit 56 56 112
5 Vivan 78 89 167
6 Naina 98 67 165

Step 5- Solution (b)-

To insert a new row at the end of the table, Click on Last Row of a table, Go To table menu—>Select Insert—>Rows Below


Then table row will be inserted into the existing table. In this Row find the Grand Total and type the following formula=sum(<E2:E7>)

Roll No. Name Marks In Physics Marks in Chemistry Total Marks
1 Arohi 76 78 154
2 Ananya 78 56 134
3 Sumit 89 78 167
4 Amit 56 56 112
5 Vivan 78 89 167
6 Naina 98 67 165
      Grand Total =sum(<E2:E7>)

Question 3:  Type the following data in spreadsheet ans save it

X Y    
370 12    
98.5 78    
7452 8    
142 78    
365 85.5    
156 45    
14.5 950    

Do The following

      1. Complete Column C for finding product x*y

      2. Find sum of X column at the end of the data

      3. Find sum of Y column at the end of the data

    1. Find sum of X*Y  column at the end iof the data

    2. Find Sum of X^2

    3. Find Sum of Y^2


    Step 1- Firstly Open Libreoffice Calc and enter the data as shown in the given question Watch video for practical

    Step 2-

    Solution (1)- To Complete clumn C for finding product x*y, Type formula=A2*B2 in column C2 & select Fill by drag and drop.

    A B C D
    X Y  x*y  
    370 12  =A2*B2  
    98.5 78    
    7452 8    
    142 78    
    365 85.5    
    156 45    
    14.5 950    

    Step 3- Solution (2)

    To find sum of X column at the end of data type the formula=sum(A2:A9) into the A10 cell

    A B C D
    X Y    
    370 12    
    98.5 78    
    7452 8    
    142 78    
    365 85.5    
    156 45    
    14.5 950    

    Step4 – Solution (3)

    Type the fomula= sum(B2:B9) into the B10 cell & press enter

    Solution (4)

    Type the fomula= sum(C2:C9) into the C10 cell & press enter

    Solution (5)

    Find the sum of X^2 by apply the formula=A^2 (^ sign present in number 6 key)

    Type the fomula= sum(D2:C9) into the B10 cell & press enter

    Solution (6)

    Find sum of Y^2 by apply the formula=B^2

    Type the fomula= sum(E2:E9) into the E10 cell & press enter

    For Practical watch our video class on youtube by click on the below link

    I hope you will understand the blog OLevel It Tools Practical Question very well .
    Also check the below links

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