Internet Website FrontEnd Vs BackEnd
Hello Students Welcome to our New Blog. In this article you will get the detailed information about the Internet Website FrontEnd Vs BackEnd.
Introduction to Internet
1) Internet is a global communication system that links together thousands of individual networks. It allows exchange of information between two or more computers on a network. Thus internet helps in transfer of messages through mail, chat, video & audio conference etc.
2) It has become mandatory for day-to-day activities: bills payment, online shopping and surfing, tutoring, working, communicating with peers, etc.
Internet was evolved in 1969, under the project called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) to connect computers at different universities and U.S. defence. Soon after the people from different backgrounds such as engineers, scientists, students and researchers started using the network for exchanging information and messages.
3)In 1990s the internet working of ARPANET, NSFnet and other private networks resulted into Internet. Therefore, Internet is a global network of computer networks’ . It comprises of millions of computing devices that carry and transfer volumes of information from one device to the other. Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms,
video game consoles, are connected to the Net.
How Do I Connect to the Internet?
1) Computer
2) Connection – Phone Line, Cable, DSL, Wireless, …
3) Modem
4) Network Software – TCP/IP
5) Application Software – Web Browser, Email, …
6) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
World Wide Web(WWW)
1) The World Wide Web (WWW) or web is an internet based service, which uses common set of rules known as protocols, to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way.
2) World Wide Web, which is also known as a Web, is a collection of websites or webpages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the internet.
3) These websites contain text pages, digital images, audios, videos, etc. Users can access the content of these sites from any part of the world over the internet using their devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, etc. The WWW, along with internet,enables the retrieval and display of text and media to your device.
4) The World Wide Web. Or ‘Web’ is a part of the Internet. The Web is viewed through web browser software such as Google chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.
Using browsers one can access the digital libraries containing innumerable articles,journals, e-books, news, tutorials stored in the form of web pages on computers around the world called web servers-Today thousands of web pages/websites are added to the WWW every hour.
A Web page also known as Electronic Page, is a part of the World Wide Web. It is just like a page in a book. The basic unit of every Web site or document on the Web is a Web page containing the information.
A Web page can contain an article, or a single paragraph, photographs, and it is usually a combination of text and graphics.
The collection of web pages on the World Wide Web that is accessed by its own Internet address is called a Web site. Thus, a Web site is a collection of related Web pages. Each Web site contains a home page and contains other additional pages. Each Web site is owned and updated by an individual, company, or an organization. Web is a dynamically moving and changing entity, today web sites generally change on a daily or even hourly basis.
Components of Website
Contents of a Web Page: A webpage of a website must contain the basic elements such as Page title, URL, file name, header, footer, navigation, web page content are all parts to the composition of a web page.
Website Graphics: Always use web graphics which have been optimized for optimum download speed, as the web hosting space affects the performance of the website.
Heading of the site: Headings in a website play a crucial role as they not only present a clear structure of the web page to the audience and help the search engines to retrieve the required information.
Effective Colour Contrast: As the websites are used to retrieve the information related to specific purpose or topic. It is very important to take care of the presentation of the contents of the sites. So that, website visitors must not have any difficulty in reading a web page. As some times when we pick a colour scheme for our website we forget that there are people with poor vision and colour deficiencies.
Front End
The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you’re navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to dropdown menus and sliders, is a combo of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer’s browser.
Front end Languages: The front end portion is built by using some languages which are discussed below:
HTML: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to design the front end portion of web pages using markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages. The markup language is used to define the text documentation within tag which defines the structure of web pages.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets fondly referred to as CSS is a simply designed language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web pages. More importantly, CSS enables you to do this independent of the HTML that makes up each web page.
JavaScript: JavaScript is a famous scripting language used to create the magic on the sites to make the site interactive for the user. It is used to enhancing the functionality of a website to running cool games and web-based software.
Back End:
Backend is server side of the website. It stores and arranges data, and also makes sure everything on the client-side of the website works fine. It is the part of the website that you cannot see and interact with. It is the portion of software that does not come in direct contact with the users. The parts and characteristics developed by backend designers are indirectly accessed by users through a front-end application. Activities, like writing APIs, creating libraries, and working with system components without user interfaces or even systems of scientific programming, are also included in the backend.
Back end Languages: The back end portion is built by using some languages which are discussed below:
PHP: PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. Since PHP code executed on the server side so it is called server-side scripting language.
C++: It is a general purpose programming language and widely used now a days for competitive programming. It is also used as backend language.
Java: Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming language and platform. It is highly scalable. Java components are easily available.
Python:Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.
JavaScript: Javascript can be used as both (front end and back end) programming languages.
Node.js: Node.js is an open source and cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. You need to remember that NodeJS is not a framework and it’s not a programming language. Most of the people are confused and understand it’s a framework or a programming language. We often use Node.js for building back-end services like APIs like Web App or Mobile App. It’s used in production by large companies such as Paypal, Uber, Netflix, Wallmart and so on.
Thanks For Reading the Article i hope you will understand the topic Internet Website FrontEnd Vs BackEnd Well.
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